rivers into islands

rivers into islands

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

through and through...

A monk by the name of E-cho asked Hogen Buneki, a Master, "What is 

"You are E-cho," the Master replied.

This reply of Hogen means, "Why do you seek for Buddha apart from E-cho who is sitting here right now?  
Where E-cho is E-cho through and through, there you see Buddha."

Zenkei  Shibayama, On Zazen Wasan

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ha Ha Ha... ah hah!

1=10,000 to the infinite power= 0


A man liked to fish but drought swallowed the river.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Seeing My Own Face

At Shoin-ji after 1717:

My own mind, mountains and rivers, the great earth seemed 
serene and bottomless.... After this, when I looked at all things,
it was as though I was seeing my own face.  For the
first time i understood the meaning of the saying, “The 
[enlightened spirit] sees the Buddha-nature within the eye.”
[bold, Kinseth]
Hakuin in Philip Yampolsky, trans. Zen Master Hakuin: 

Selected Writings