The Meaning Of Bodhidharma’s Coming From The West: Chao-chou
Ts’ung-shen/Joshu/Jojo’s the
oak in the garden or wash your
bowl, or Tung-shan/Tozan’s three
pounds of flax, or a contemporary
perspective such as “Wherever you are at is here.”
Still, when you come to the oak or wash the bowl,
mindfulness of what? When you are here, where are you? And who are you, and what are the oak and the bowl and the
flax? And what do you do?
Not facile, Bodhidharma’s coming
opened the presence of buddah in the oak and the bowl and the flax, what is
that? Where are you?
Past/present/future are here (Dogen’s
“Time-Being” and Huai-hai’s admoniton to no longer need to distinguish the idea
of the present—not attached to the moment, not making time, not contriving
And then, searching for substance,
oak and bowl and flax (1+1+1) = 0.
Not a single anchor can be discerned. This realization is relatively unhidden and only concealed
by discrimination.